четверг, 18 января 2018 г.


Ex.7. Read the text about Catherine and write if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
Catherine was five years old. She often went to the shops with her mother. She liked toys very much, and she often stopped and looked at them in the shops, but her mother usually said,
« Don’t stop and look at the toys today, Catherine. It’s late».
Catherine’s mother did not usually go to the shops on Saturdays, because she always had a lot of work at home on that day, but last Friday evening her husband said, «Some of my friends are going to visit us on Sunday», and she didn’t have much food in the house.
She took Catherine at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning, and they went to the shops together. Catherine’s mother said to her, «Stay near me, Catherine, and don’t stop and look at the toys today».
Catherine said, «Yes, Mummy, » and she held her mother’s hand. But then her mother had a lot of parcels, and Catherine stopped holding her hand.
They came to the best shop in the town. There were quite a lot of men in front of it. There was a beautiful toy bear in one of the windows, and Catherine stopped for a few seconds and looked at it. Then she looked for her mother, but she was not there. There were only men round Catherine, and they were all much taller than she was.
Catherine was very young, but she was a clever girl. She did not cry. There was a policeman in the middle of the street near the shop. Catherine waited at the side of the road for a minute, and then the policeman stopped the cars and the buses. Catherine went to him and said, «Good morning. Have you seen any ladies in this street this morning? »
«Yes, I have», the policeman said. «A lot of ladies have passed me this morning».
«And has one passed you without a small girl? » Catherine said.
«Yes, » the policeman said.
Catherine said happily, «I’m the small girl. Where’s the lady?»

1.      Catherine usually goes shopping with her mother on Saturdays. (T/F)
2.      Catherine likes toys very much and she often stops and looks at them in the shops. (T/F)
3.      Catherine went shopping in the evening after school (T/F)
4.      Catherine suddenly stopped in front of the best shop in town because she saw a beautiful toy bear. (T/F)
5.      She entered the shop because she decided to buy it. (T/F)
6.      Catherine has lost her mother. (T/F)
7.      Catherine began to cry. (T/F)
8.      Catherine came up to the policeman in the street and asked him if he had seen her mother. (T/F)
9.      The policeman asked her where she lived. (T/F)
10.  Suddenly Catherine saw her mother buying a beautiful toy for her. (T/F)

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